What happens in a session?

Structural Integration

Through hands-on work, fascia is manipulated to more optimally align your structure with gravity. Reduce pain and discomfort, improve range of motion, and feel more at ease with movement. Sessions are 75 to 90mins.

The 10 Series

While the work is meaningful in a single session, the classic 10 series, based on the Rolf Method of Structural Integration, is the most effective way to achieve lasting results. Each session has a different emphasis, with a larger goal to unwind chronic postural deviations.

Sessions 1 thru 3 free the superficial layer of fascia, allowing access to the deeper layers.

Sessions 4 thru 7 address deeper core layers of tissue, freeing the body of long-held patterns.

Sessions 8 thru 10 allow me to align the body most optimally with gravity now that the fascia is freed and receptive to change.

After the 10 It is recommended to allow the sessions to integrate. Many people find that a 10 series holds well, and that only occasional “tune-ups” are required throughout a year. These tune ups will have lasting change after a body has been through the 10 series.

What to Wear

Shorts, a sports bra, a tank top, or underwear are all excellent choices. Loose, comfortable, or stretchy clothing is best. Please avoid using body lotion prior to the session. Drinking water before the session will hydrate the fascia and facilitate easier change.

Is Structural Integration Painful?

When the Rolf Method of Structural Integration was created, “rolfing” as it is known, gained a reputation of being painful and uncomfortable. Structural integration does not need to be painful to be effective. In fact the opposite is true. I am committed to your comfort on the table throughout the session. If the experience is painful, your body will become resistant to change. By working on the first available layer of fascia slowly, I enact effective change without pursuing layers that are not yet available, a typical reason for discomfort.

Who can benefit from Structural Integration?

Structural Integration is effective at cultivating an environment for positive change in all bodies.

Chronic Issues

Whether you’re experiencing repetitive motion injuries, or struggling with chronic postural habits, structural integration is ideal for those seeking resolution to chronic pain and discomfort. Chronic issues can also include connective tissue disorders such as EDS (Ehler Danos Syndrome), Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, and more.

Injury Recovery

In collaboration with physical therapy, surgery, and other modalities, structural integration can facilitate a more effective rehabilitation experience.


Pregnancy and postpartum are times of immense change in the body. Structural integration can help you prepare your body for the birthing experience, and assist you in restoring optimal alignment after you give birth.

Individual sessions are $260.

Limited sliding scale available for those in need.

Discounts available with commitment to a series.

I do not take insurance.

Allison Schieler - Photo by Steven Vandervelden

“An effective human being is a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.”

— Ida Rolf